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MONTENEGRO family house


ZROBIM architects

architects:  Nastya Nadudik,Anna Kutsko
area: 88 sq.m.
year: 2023
2 floor
Minimalist kitchen living room interior design with fireplace is a modern and stylish approach to decorating a living space. This design uses clean lines, simple shapes and neutral colors that create a sense of space and light.

The kitchen and living room are united in one space, which creates a sense of unity and harmony. The fireplace is the central element of the interior and creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. Materials used in the design include natural wood and stone, which add texture and warmth.​​​​​​​

The furniture in this interior is simple and functional, using a minimum of decorative elements. Lighting also plays an important role in creating the atmosphere, using soft and warm light sources.
In general, minimalist interior design of kitchen living room kitchen with fireplace creates a clean, modern and cozy space for living and relaxing
2 floor
Minimalism in this design means that each element has been carefully selected and has its own functional value. No excessive decoration is used, allowing you to focus on the simplicity and beauty of the materials.

The walls and ceiling in the kitchen living room interior are painted white, which creates a feeling of spaciousness and light. Natural materials such as wood and stone are used to clad the walls or, which adds texture to the interior.

The furniture is made of natural wood, using simple shapes and lines. The kitchen island is made of stone, which adds strength and solidity to the interior.
MONTENEGRO family house